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Y2: Orchid

Welcome to Y2 - Orchid!

Welcome to the Year 2 Class Page

The Y2 class teacher is Miss Rebecca Collins and is assisted by Mrs Elena Ricks and Ms Nicky Chubb.

Below you will find a document with the list of skills covered in Y2 and also the topic web.


  • Homework will be set on Purple Mash on a Wednesday and is due in the following Monday. 
  • Children will usually be given 2 or 3 pieces of homework, each should not take longer than 20 minutes to complete. Homework will usually consist of spellings, one piece of literacy, one piece of maths and half-termly geography/history.
  • Each week in Autumn 1, the children take home two books.

 - A sharing book that they can read with you, talk about and enjoy. The children pick out this book themselves so theoretically it should be a book that they are excited about and want to read! We do not expect your child to read this book independently. However, as the children become more confident with their phonics they may be able to read more of this book with you/ to you!

​ - A reading practice book that is matched to their phonic stage that they can read independently. The children should be able to read this book with little or no decoding. This book helps builds the children’s confidence and will develop their phonics skills.

  • Please ensure that your child bring their reading folder to school with them every day.
  • Please ensure that you are practising times tables and number bonds - little and often is best!

Clothing and Sports

  • Please make sure that all school uniform and PE kit is clearly labelled.
  • Please ensure your child comes to school wearing their PE on their PE days (Mondays and Thursdays).
  • Encourage your child to bring a named water bottle to school every day.
  • Remind your child to bring a coat every day in the winter months (and on school trip days).


  • Please let the school and the year group teacher know if your child has any condition requiring medication, including allergies or asthma.

Please click on the link below for further detail about the breadth of our curriculum:

Please click on the link below for further detail about the breadth of our curriculum:

Useful documents:

Nina and the Neurons Use your engineering skills to play games and help the Neurons collect stars.