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SMSC and British Values


Based on our understanding of Christian values and the teaching of Jesus our School Mission Statement aims to progress the Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development of our pupils in the following way:

Individuality, Challenge and Self-esteem (Spiritual)

Pupils will be encouraged (and challenged)

  • to develop their own personal world view, which will include religious beliefs, healthy self-image, independence and an awareness of themselves in relation to others,
  • to be able to communicate their beliefs in discussion, and to listen respectfully to the views of others,
  • to reflect their beliefs through their behaviour,
  • to develop a sense of awe and wonder as they become more aware of deeper meanings in familiar features of the natural world and in their experience.

Working together (Social)

Pupils will be given opportunities to

  • develop their initiative and independence and exercise a degree of responsibility firstly in the classroom and also through sporting activities, school council, playground buddies, Y5 and6 residential trips etc.
  • experience a variety of social roles, including co-operation, partnership and leadership
  • work successfully in groups and participate co-operatively and productively in the school community.

Respect/Diversity (Moral/Cultural) – Equal Opportunities

Pupils will be encouraged to

  • develop awareness between right and wrong,
  • make responsible and reasoned judgements on moral issues and consider how their actions may affect others,
  • show respect for other pupils and adults, other cultures and religions and other people’s property. (Cf. Equal Opportunities Policy)
  • behave courteously and politely towards each other and all those in the school community at all times. (Cf. Behaviour and Anti-Bullying Policies)
  • be aware of and have respect for their surroundings - both local and global.

Pupils will learn about other cultures (RE, Geography, History, MFL) and be encouraged to develop positive attitudes towards them.

A warm and welcoming school environment (Social)

All staff and children work together to promote the following school values:

  • telling the truth
  • keeping promises
  • respecting the rights and property of others
  • acting considerately towards others
  • helping those less fortunate than themselves
  • taking personal responsibility for one’s actions
  • self discipline.
  • responding appropriately to correction.

School Values reject:

  • bullying (see Anti-bullying policy)
  • heating
  • deceit
  • cruelty
  • irresponsibility
  • dishonesty
  • inappropriate language
  • self-centred behaviour

All staff are expected to model high standards of behaviour in relating to pupils and peers alike.

Love of learning

Staff promote this by

  • encouraging and celebrating achievement,
  • delivering a broad curriculum in an imaginative way, suited to the needs of individual learners,
  • organising a variety of out-of-school educational experiences,
  • teaching pupils how to work independently and take responsibility for their learning (including peer- and self- assessment).

British Values