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SEND at All Saints’

All Saints’ is an inclusive school which enables children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) to make the best progress they can in order to reach their potential. The school employs an Inclusion Manager to oversee this support and the school also has an SEND Governor who provides further support. In addition the school adheres to Wandsworth Guidance on provision for pupils with SEND. At All Saints’ we believe early intervention is essential; if your child is identified with a Special Educational Need or Disability they will receive special education provision.

There are four main areas children may have a difficulty with, these needs are: communication and interaction; cognition and learning; social emotional and mental health or sensory or physical needs. Provision for these needs is delivered in a number of ways. Additional support for your child may be delivered directly by All Saints’ staff; this may be small group support in class or they may receive an intervention. All of the staff at All Saints’ receives regular training on SEND in order to ensure pupils with SEND are fully supported. Furthermore the school may seek specialist advice which could result with your child receiving support from an external agency such as an Educational Psychologist, Speech and Language Therapist, an Occupational Therapist, Play Therapist or a Physiotherapist.

If you would like to discuss your child’s needs please speak to either the class teacher or the Inclusion Manager directly (they can be reached via the office).

If you would like to find out more about SEND at All Saints’ please firstly see the SEN Information Report.

For further relevant information please also see the SEN and Inclusion Policy, the Medical Conditions Policy, the Equality and Diversity Policy and the SEN Annual Report to Parents.

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