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Theological Underpinning

‘Great is the mystery of faith’. Sometimes computing appears to be a series of difficult problems and puzzles. With time, patience, faith and skill we can come to see that the universe is beautifully created, that there is design and order in what originally seemed chaotic. Computing shows us that seemingly disconnected things are in fact deeply connected, individual parts of God’s one creation. The pattern of God’s love is seen in the way balance is restored and difficulty reconciled, just as in computing.

NC Programme of Study Aims

The national curriculum for computing aims to ensure that all pupils: 

  • can understand and apply the fundamental principles and concepts of computer science, including abstraction, logic, algorithms and data representation 
  • can analyse problems in computational terms, and have repeated practical experience of writing computer programs in order to solve such problems 
  • can evaluate and apply information technology, including new or unfamiliar technologies, analytically to solve problems 
  • are responsible, competent, confident and creative users of information and communication technology.


A superior computing education at All Saints’ is inspired by the school’s guiding principles: a love of learning, a warm and stimulating environment for pupils, and the celebration of achievement, independence, diversity, and inclusion.
Intersecting these vision statements (above) are the achievement statements (below) of our computing curriculum. Our computing syllabus is organised into three domains (Computer Science, Information Technology and Digital Literacy) and promotes the All Saints’ vision by setting standards and expectations which closely reflect our learning values.
We have recently invested in the Purple Mash suite of learning to use throughout the school, which encourages our children to develop their skills in the three areas of Computing, as well as enhance learning across the whole curriculum. We aim to foster independence in our pupils by teaching the skills of digital literacy and digital citizenship (respect, responsibility, safety) through Purple Mash and other learning sites such as MangaHigh and Times Tables Rockstars. These services, in turn, foster a spirit of achievement, excellent behaviour online, and pride in high quality work. Similarly, we inspire creativity and resilience by teaching Computer Programming in highly stimulating and creative environments through Purple Mash and Scratch.
Computing is more than a just an area of study. It is an approach to the world, a way of perceiving reality. The computational concepts of abstraction, algorithms, decomposition, and simulation are essential ingredients in our daily interactions with our pupils, not just in the discrete teaching of computing knowledge and skills, but by embedding computing across the curriculum: applying computational thinking to mathematical and scientific reasoning (Google Drawing, for example), using information technology skills to enhance teaching and learning (Prezi, for example), and embedding digital literacy and digital citizenship skills in our delivery of other programmes of study, from English to PSHE (My Happy Mind, for example), thereby developing skills as diverse as computer programming, game design, problem solving, project management, and storytelling.
In keeping with the accelerative pace of technological change in education, we are adaptable, flexible and temperate in our approach to curriculum implementation, allowing for individualised and personalised access to multiple learning platforms. We are proud to have a fully dedicated Computer Suite with thirty networked Intel Core i5 personal computers with printing, scanning, and other multimedia capabilities, as well as a pick-up-and-learn set of Pro 9.7 Apple iPads. These are used to learn discrete computing skills in any number of applications or to enhance cross curricular learning through multimedia activities like filmmaking or music production. As much of our syllabus is browser-based, children can consolidate their learning by accessing schoolwork at home. Teachers are able to set home learning tasks through the platforms on Purple Mash, MangaHigh and TT Rockstars.
The Computer Suite is accessible throughout the day: children have scheduled, discrete sessions for Computing and sessions are also allocated for Mathematics and English curriculum enhancement. We also offer provision for Homework clubs and occasional special project seminars during lunch hours or at after-school clubs. Children are supervised at all times in the Computer Suite.

Digital Literacy, incorporating Online Safety has high priority within our school and this is on-going throughout all computer-led learning. We work closely with a specialist provider who delivers tailored workshops to the children, to staff, to parents and Governors. All stakeholders therefore have a vested interest in keeping our children safe online, in line with the Government guidance published in June 2019: Teaching online safety in school.

Each year, we appoint a group of Digital Leaders from our Year 6 children, who assist the Computing Subject Lead in promoting safe and responsible use of technology in school. They are on-hand to assist other year groups and teachers in the Computing Suite.

Computing education at All Saints’ is classified into three domains: computer science (CS), information technology (IT), and digital literacy and citizenship, which incorporates online safety (DL). Instruction and assessment is designed to reflect the school’s learning values, and these achievements.

Long Term Planning and Skills Progression