Y6 Faith Trail

On Tuesday 27th September, Y6 took part in the Southfields Faith Trail, where we visited the London Mosque, the South London Gurdwara and the Friends (Quakers) Meeting House, as part of our RE learning about faiths in our local area. The children were all complimented on their excellent questions by all the different faith leaders and I was so proud of how they treated each place so respectfully - true ambassadors for our school! Ms Sharp
‘We got to see three different places of worship on Tuesday. I never really knew what a Mosque looked like; I was surprised by how plain and simple it was but very calming.’ By Julianne
‘The trail was interesting because I've never been to a different place of worship before other than a church. I really enjoyed the visit with the Quakers, as David told us lots of facts about his beliefs.’ By Edward