On Wednesday morning, Y6 joined an online poetry workshop with the award-winning poet, Joshua Seigal. We have a copy of his latest book, Who Let the Words Out? in class and have been enjoying his poems.
Joshua was such a great talker and he challenged us to write our own poems - a love letter to our favourite healthy food. Have a look at some of our finished poems below!
One of his books is called I Don’t Like Poetry - you can see from the children’s comments below that this is certainly not the case in Y6 Redwoods!
‘Joshua was great fun because he was letting the children interact so much and his poems would make a child’s day, as they make us laugh.’ - Jaian
‘It was really fun and his poems are really funny. He showed us his cat called Bluebell. We then did a fun activity, writing our own poem about our favourite healthy food.’ - Matthew ‘He was not boring because he was being really funny, telling us jokes, reading his poems and showing us his cat Bluebell.’ - Alexander R