On Monday, Y6 went to the Houses of Parliament. We went into the House of Lords. We weren't actually allowed to sit because only the Baronesses and Lords are allowed to sit down. When the House of Lords closed, sniffer dogs came in to make sure everything was safe for the first debate. Did you know a debate was once held for 12 hours?
‘I learnt lots of facts that I didn't know about the Houses of Parliament and it was way bigger than I expected.’ - Dior
‘The first place we went to was the King's entrance, where only the King can go inside. The next place we went to was the House of Lords, where only Lords and Baronesses and the King are allowed to sit. Especially, the King is not allowed in the House of Commons - the last king that went in there was beheaded!’ - Jaian
‘There are about 800 Lords and Baronesses who debate in the House of Lords. We also went to the Central Lobby, which is the centre of the Parliament building. The House of Commons was more ordinary and where voting happens in separate rooms.’ - Matthew
‘In the House of Lords, there was a throne where the King sits to give his speech. The chairs in there were red. In the House of Commons, the chairs are green.’ - Yanna
‘Going to the Houses of Parliament was good because we got to meet our MP, Fleur Anderson, at the end of our visit. We had to wear special headsets so we could hear what our guide was telling us.’ - Dalia